How do we do it?
- We offer free standard shipping to our customers located in the 48 contiguous states of United States of America.
- Expedited shipping: Customers are able to request expedite shipping by paying and choosing an accelerated shipping method through our website.
- Holidays and weekends: All orders placed on a holiday or during the weekend, will be shipped during the next business day.
- Orders placed on Fridays: All orders placed after 4 PM (EDT) on Fridays, will be processed and shipped the following Monday.
- PO BOX: PO Box Addresses will be shipped via USPS.
- Benzadent LLC is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. You must contact our Customer Care team within 24 hours of receiving your order if your package arrives damaged or in a bad condition.
- Contact information: Please, make sure to confirm your address, recipient information, phone number and email before submitting your order at checkout.
- Preorder Items: Preorder items are not eligible for Priority or Express Shipping.
- Worldwide shipping: Benzadent is not in control of any country specific tariffs or duties imposed on your order by our respective government. Taxes + duties will likely be charged on the items you order. If taxes + duties are placed on your package by officials, the fee will be your responsibility. If you used a promotional code on your order, you will be changed taxes + duties on the original price of the items. We are legally obligated by Border Agencies to show the original price of items purchased on the shipping label.